Cleaning is one of the key components in successful equipment reliability and maintenance. When equipment is clean, it’s easier to inspect, identify potential problems and maintain optimum performance. When it’s not, dirt, grease, grime and moisture can cause significant interruptions to production and potentially cost companies millions.

In knowing this, and eager to spread the message that #reliabilityiscleanliness,  we at Polar IceTech are delighted to announce our silver sponsorship of Reliability Ireland 2019. A national two-day learning and networking conference taking place on March 26th and 27th in Cork. The conference is a great opportunity to bring the subject of reliability to the main stage and increase awareness and knowledge around this critical issue among industry based engineers.


“An understanding of, and commitment to, reliability is essential for successful projects and cleaning is a key component to this success,” explains Damien McDonnell, Polar IceTech Managing Director (pictured far left with John McGrath of Reliability Ireland).

“Cleanliness in the context of reliability is not just housekeeping but rather deep detailed cleaning of components and equipment. This is what we specialise in. Dry Ice Cleaning is a sustainable way of ensuring equipment reliability as it doesn’t damage components like other abrasive and moisture-based cleaning methods as well as expanding the lifespan of equipment. This is why we felt it was important, as industry leaders in cryogenic cleaning, that we sponsor and promote this event. Our ambition is to help engineer’s expand their reliability and maintenance toolkit.”

We are also delighted with an opportunity to demonstrate dry ice cleaning on the Tuesday morning. This demonstration will provide a valuable insight into the role maintenance and cleaning plays in reliability. The full agenda for the event can be found here.

If you are committed to the reliability of equipment in your work, this event is a must.

Details about Reliability Ireland: